Common type of rail car has dangerous design flaw
Very well put Wayne. Ethanol is a real environmental disaster yet it is paraded as the savior of the fuel business. In addition to what you mentioned, It is destroying our engines. Small engines especially 2 stroke are failing from this stuff.
On recent trips to the west end of Ohio I noticed lots of corn being grown, but no cattle being fed. Ground beef is about twice what it should be.
almost every food we consume derives from or has some form of corn in it. Out government want to increase ethanol from 10 percent to 15 which is even worse. There is still ethanol free gasoline out there but you have to search for it. I get 4 more miles per gallon on my Focus when I get lucky and find it.
Currently we have a war on coal in this country when we should be developing clean fuels from our own coal.
We too are drilling for Natural gas in this area, and a lot has been discovered, causing natural gas prices to drop for folks heating their homes. Now the push is on to convert the power plants to burn natural gas which in turn will increase the price of both electricity and natural gas to the consumer.


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