Progress Shots
Here's another area where I need to do some work. It's one of the older parts of my layout, which I started around 1989 and moved to our current place in 1993. The name of the area is tentatively CP West Zenith:     As you can see, the ballast in the foreground is in bad shape. I did it a long time ago with Woodland Scenics ballast, which is made from ground walnut shells. This area is under a basement pipe that's been a problem, and it's had falling water several times, and I need to redo the ballast with Arizona Rock & Mineral, which is more robust. But while I'm at it, I've decided I'm going to relay the outside track with concrete ties.

Here's a closeup of the control point area.     I have a BLMA two-track modern signal bridge, which will go well with the concrete ties on the outside track. I had originally decided this would have a manual switchstand, but I've rethought it, so the switch will need a Details West switch machine and probably a switch heater while I'm at it.     Here's the BLMA signal bungalow that will go at this point once I've cleared out a little scenery and updated the ballast.

More to come on my various projects.

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