An engine servicing facility for the JGL
Hi Miles, nice to hear from you again. Bob, thanks for that link, lots of great photos there. I got the cinder block sheet and have made the rear walls for the roundhouse extension. Unfortunately I do not seem able to get a seamless joint where the walls join and it has bummed me out. This has often been a problem with my scratchbuild efforts. I'm posting some photos and you'll see what I mean. At this point I am not sure how I will proceed, suggestions are welcome! A thought I have is to use the cinder block sheet to provide a second course of block in a verticle column at the two joints. I would cut strips an appropriate width, score down the center so it folds nicely, and apply overf the joints. I am not sure if this would be at all prototypical. Thoughts? I am reluctant to build the walls over again. Cutting the openings for the windows was not something I'd like to repeat. And the windows themselves are unlikely to survice an attempt to remove them. Cutting the clear styrene for the opening section of the windows was tedious as well. Here is a pic showing the bad seams:


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