Bowser Decapod
You would be right.... This is how the locomotive will become a Western Maryland I-2. The boiler of the Mantua "heavy" series of 2-8-2 boilers, were almost perfect for the Western Maryland's I-2's, except one thing! The sand dome needs to be moved closer to the smoke box edge! Other then that major modification, the rest is in the detail work on the die cast shell itself!

The tender, is actually perfectly sized, the only thing needing done there is to cut the "fold" off the coal bunker sides, and make it straight up and down without the angled in top flap.....Then add the underside frame work, and you have a I-2 tender for the Western Maryland!

Interesting to say the least,m BUT a good project to do!

I'm also doing a Western Maryland J-1 as well, which is much more involved then this one! 35
~John AKA "Yellowstone" OR "EM-1"

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