Bachmann GP38-2
I could not resist to toy around with the nice priced Bachmann GP38-2 DC only model.

The GP38-2 drive is as good as the GP50 drive. In fact is it the same drive with a lowered front end to fit under the low nose. I am very satisfied. It is very close to Atlas at a fraction of the price.

First text of new drive with new PCB, decoder and LED
[Image: file-29.jpg]

The shell is "very" generic. You should not expect any RR specific detail. Some details are flat wrong. Ok, there is only one GP38-2 shell tool and that makes the nice price, fair deal to me.
The dynamic breaks have been removed and the lamps moved down into the hood. I did hesitate to install correct lamps units from details west ruining the perfect paint. Instead did I drill two holes with the correct diameter and distance, painted them inside silver and filled them with Micro Kristal Clear. Not perfect but much less risk.
I am in the process to add some CN specific detail. Next will be the paint shop.
New decals for different road numbers, CN style ditch lights and bells at the front of the cab are on order.

First match of raw shell on drive
[Image: file-30.jpg]

I have a question for the Canadians:
CN did keep marker lights very long. Only very few modern units or recently repainted units have no marker light. I would need marker light units (three lamps in a row) but can not find anything at Walthers. Are they available as etched brass or simply decals? I would like to add them over the cab number boards.

ps. Yes I know, CN does not fit on my layout at all but I like the Canadian paint scheme so much.... A nice priced Bachmann engine is always good starting point for something irrational Wink

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