Building the Potomac Line
Of the 4 spurs that lead off the edge of layout, over the lower peninsula, the first three (occupied by the PRR, L&N, and LS&W hoppers) will lead to the trestles of Metropolitan Fuel Co., Inc. I love hoppers, so this will be the primary customer in Spring Hill, with 3 trestles and approximately 15 spots. There will be perhaps 6-8 grades of coal, plus sand, gravel, and road salt available at Metro Fuel, as well as firewood (bought and sold locally through local residents, not the railroad)
[Image: DSC_0053.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0054.jpg]

The 4th spur, occupied by the MDT reefer, will lead to Capital Cold Storage. The spur will be elevated, with loading bays into the building. Below the elevated rail spur will be loading docks for over the road trucks. The area where the foam ends marks where the various industrial fronts and backdrop will be. The white foam area will be on the other side of the backdrop and will be Potomac Yard.
[Image: DSC_0055.jpg]

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