Trainroom Cleanup
I think the most unbelievable "found" event involved one of those little plastic covers that go over the wire and the connecting tabs on some decoders...
I was using some tweezers to slip it baack into place (clumsy fingers too big to grasp it properly...), when off it went to a parallel dimension. So, instead of just soldering the wire in place, I start looking for the offending critter. Generally, when something takes a leap it falls to the floor, so I use a small flashlight to search for it. Well, after some 30 minutes of searching and not finding it, I give up and go to get the soldering iron. For reasons unknown, as I reach for it something catches my eye. I bend down to the floor, and there, in a crack on the concrete (train room was once a garage...) there sits the ....little cover.....WoW...!! 2285_
Never in a million years will that repeat itself....
Gus (LC&P).

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