Help with nolix (modified helix)
The best way for the start of the grade (well one good way) is to get a 4-foot length of roadbed and tack down the first foot on the flat and then tack the last foot to the 2.2% grade. This makes a natural bend.

Another is a form of "spline". Cut thin boards to the profile desired with a curve. Then glue them together to the thickness you need. I don't know what curve should be used -- I favour something 5 feet or over or 2 metres. This may take a bit of math.

Not sure about the S curve area. Curves put more drag on. There will be more track length along the curvy bit than a straight line. The grade will also translate into cant (tilt) across the track in some places and much of it will be the wrong way.
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Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
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