Considering Switch to DCC
After a lifetime of straight DC operation and a 20-year large layout with DC cab control, I'm looking seriously at converting to DCC. There are two big reasons: my walkaround DC system is wearing out, especially the phone jacks for the walkarounds, one of the handhelds has given up the ghost, and the system hasn't been manufactured for many years. Also, I want to get the full use of sound (recognizing it can drive people up the wall as well), and I like the constant lighting. I'm also intrigued by what Reinhard is able to do with high-end decoders to get good performance out of low-cost Bachmann locos.

So here are my givens and druthers: medium-large layout, 288 locos (a lifetime of collecting) in the computer but maybe 25 on the layout. Just me operating 99 percent of the time, maximum ever probably 3 or 4 operators. Want to use sound at least sometimes, at least as far as trying it out. Want to have high-end decoders with momentum effects on at least some locos. Probably won't use accessory decoders. Want to use wireless -- don't want to get into replacing the phone jacks, etc, either with a different system or replacement jacks.

Reviewing the starter-set discussions on the web, I'm looking at either a Digitrax Zephyr or a Lenz Set-90. Does anyone have comments or suggestions? What are good high-end decoders with momentum effects?

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