Big Blue Year IV
teejay Wrote:Mikey , Don , when Big Blue started up was the Old Gauge still running or had it already shut down ?


Just to add to what Mikey said, the guy who bought the old Gauge also owned several other modeling sites. Each time he made some changes, there would be a rash of backlash and we'd lose members and even staff. One day we woke up finding out that we were joined at the hip to all these sites and no longer had our own identity. What we didn't know was that the owner was positioning the forums for maximum profit when he sold to the Crowdgather group. We can name a number of reasons why we spun off, the ads, the "chain of command", the loss of our identity and self-respect. This guy later admitted to us that it was a mistake to combine the forums, but it was too late. Once you mix two colors of paint together, you'll never be able to separate them, and that's what happened to our database there.

Anyway, here we are, we have our old forums back, our, "Big Blue" colors for those that missed them, and rather than take our old name, we go by our old nickname, just to minimize any conflict or confusion between sites.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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