Big Blue Year IV
Herc Driver Wrote:The only change.

Thanks for all you guys do...and for the great modeling contributors who post here. It is a special thing to keep an informative and family-friendly forum going nowadays - and the moderator staff should be commended for their efforts.


I agree, the moderating staff all need to take a bow. Mikey and I couldn't ask for a better bunch of volunteers to keep things here running smoothly. We've had very little turnover in our staff over the years and I think one reason is that our members all make their jobs easy. No fooling, how many shouting matches have we seen here in four years? Answer: we probably average one a year as apposed to a couple a day in some other places. How many members have we banned for cause? Answer: zippo, nada, none, zero. Big Grin And, how many spammers have we banned from here? Answer: all of them Thumbsup Thumbsup ... yup, we get some before they even post, now how's that for a dedicated crew? Goldth

Yup, thanks to our moderators and members, Mikey and I can just sit back and sip Mint Juleps in the summer, and hot chocolate in the winter. Mmmmm, hot chocolate, Santa's favorite drink next to milk and cookies Cheers ..........

Hey Mikey, hand me one of those there chocolate chip thingies from over there. Yeah, the ones right next to the big bowl of Kit-Kats..... 357 357
Don (ezdays) Day
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