Duluth Winnipeg & Pacific RS11
Duluth Winnipeg & Pacific RS11 #3611 is one of my smoothest running locomotive I ever purchased. It as been a staple of or many layout iterations since the club was founded back in 2007. However, I never ventured into customizing and weathering it. I decided it was time to try my hands on it once for all. The shell isn't a perfect match for a DWP lcomotive. Louvers and grilles aren't exactly correct in number and location. But I try to keep my sanity at a safe level... I hope!!!! 35

[Image: IMG_2520b_zpsd0fc1aa1.jpg]

First of all, since it was a CNR american subsidiary locomotive, it's was less customized by its owner. Grand Trunk modellers have an easy life, most diesel engines are just stock item from the factory! Anyway, I still had to relocate the horns, add a radio antenna and sunshades.

[Image: IMG_2521b_zps4dc2a3c3.jpg]

Antenna is from Detail West and the sunshade are left over from an Athearn CN Dash 9 bought in 1996 (yes, I was once a "modern" guy!!! Classification lights were touched up with aluminium paint too. To complete the model, I would need to had rerailers but I used up all my stock on my CPR RS3. All new details were painted with Citadel paint for their fast drying time. An educated mix of Goblin Green, Chaos Black and Sunburst Yellow produced a very convincing color that blended together with Atlas factory paint.

[Image: IMG_2522b_zpsf3144016.jpg]

Finally, I dullcoted the entire model to make oil paint and pastel chalk still better.

[Image: IMG_2523b_zpsd7c12946.jpg]

I'll try to reproduce an average weathering effect similar to this picture from CNRphotos. I'll probably make it a little bit lighter since I model the late 50s and early 60s.

[Image: main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_it...alNumber=3]

Hope you enjoy the ride.

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout: http://www.hedley-junction.blogspot.com/

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station http://www.harlem-station.blogspot.com/

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