Duluth Winnipeg & Pacific RS11
faraway Wrote:What brand of paint did you use and how did you delude it? I have frequently the problem that the light color wash has some tiny drops of white paint that make little white dots.

I also had the same problem when I airbrushed white wash. Did you use acrylic or solvent based paint? Acrylic dries too fast most of the time.

I use artist oil in tube. The brand is Van Gogh by Talens and various other brand. They are thinned with odourless mineral spirit. A friend that is into WW2 modelism use it too, it seems to be a technic well-known among military guys. When you brush on your wash, always use vertical motions. That way, it looks much more like rain weathered the paint. Sometimes, I place small dots of different colors then use a large flat brush soaked in mineral spirit (wipe the excess on a towel before using on the model) then wipe down all the color.

What is nice is that it really doesn't need a lot of oil paint to do the job. My paint tube will probably outlast myself!

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