Does anyone know when the Mayan Apocalypse is happening?
OK The world did not come to a destructive end as the "nitwits of media" were so desperately hoping for, and trying to force, by hyping every insane thing that was being caused by the "nitwits of media", and their "prophesies of doom".

A baktun (properly b'ak'tun, English pronunciation: /ˈbɑk ˌtun/[1], Mayan pronunciation: [ɓakʼ ˈtun]) is 20 katun cycles of the ancient Maya Long Count Calendar. It contains 144,000 days, equal to 394.26 tropical years. The Classic period of Maya civilization occurred during the 8th and 9th baktuns of the current calendrical cycle. The current baktun started on — December 21, 2012

The Mayan calendar is, in fact extremely accurate with respect to celestial events. It was simply being horribly misused by a bunch of wretched fear mongers, who we laughingly refer to as "the media".

P.S. "nitwits of media" is the polite translation of @*%#&!% $)(^&! !## (%^^*$@ %^&* )(!@^%# certified morons

The frightening thing is, they almost got away with it!
The sad thing is, there were a lot of suicides, and murders, that I am sure were triggered by the fear all the hype was creating.
The hope is, maybe we'll have some peace for a bit, until the "nitwits of media" strike again!

P.P.S. Oh nit.....wiiiiiiits.....look over your shoulder,- - - - - - -I'm walking behind you Icon_twisted Icon_twisted Icon_twisted and I'm not going out to chop wood Icon_twisted Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
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