Does anyone know when the Mayan Apocalypse is happening?
MountainMan Wrote:Now you just have to survive the Doomsday Asteroid Scenario, The Yellowstone Scenario and the Mega-Tsunami Scenario...oh, yeah...and the plague. Big Grin

Of the above choices, there is one that justifiably warrants concern. The Yellowstone Caldera. This is a "Super volcano", and it is due for another eruption. It's not going to stay quiet for ever. No matter what survives, or does not survive, the world will be a different place, after that one goes"bang".
We're working on ways to deflect "Near Earth Objects" that may impact us, They would be the most likely cause of a "Mega-tsunami", and we do know a lot more about medicine, so "Plague", isn't quite as frightening. I guess the big question will be, " is there enough firewood left after Yellowstone pops its cork, to outlast the global winter caused by the blanket of volcanic dust in the air, that will block the suns light, and freeze the Earth.

Oh! You forgot about the possible super coronal mass ejection that will strip the Earth's atmosphere completely away.....
Warm blooded oxygen breathers won't survive that one !! Eek Eek Eek Icon_twisted Icon_twisted Icon_twisted

- - - and then, there is that Super Black hole, in the adjoining space time continuum, that will cross into ours, and devour our entire "universe". Icon_twisted 357 Icon_twisted Icon_twisted

- - - and finally, the greatest "natural disaster of all time " - - - - The Congress of The United States of America !!!!!!! Big Grin Big Grin
Happy New Year :oops: :o Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
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