Does anyone know when the Mayan Apocalypse is happening?
We were watching something last night that I recorded a while back about our place in the universe. They were saying that the earth may be blown away in some 3.5 million years (they were pretty precise on that) because of some star that may explode in the next million year, or may have exploded already (they weren't too sure about this though). This does kind of put me on edge and I wonder just how we need to defend against this. My theory is that someone someday before 3.5 million years from now, will screw up royally and cause the earth to crack in half like an egg. The molten center will then spill out like the yolk, and then, and only then will we really know what happened to Arne Saknussem and how he got to the center of the earth... Icon_lol Icon_lol
Don (ezdays) Day
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