Ongoing car advice
The more I think about it , the more I'm inclined to give you the standard argument I made when I was in the car business . Since I was a salaried employee , the, it made NO difference to me how someone bought a car so I asked a lot of questions .

1. What about leasing a new one ? BEFORE YOU SAY " I don't like leasing " , check out your facts . If you buy a car and do a lot of driving , it depreciates like crazy and costs a lot for repairs as you are finding out . Do the math . It might be just as cost effective to lease a new one ....I don't know because I don't have your numbers in front of me . You are at a crossroads here and should check all your options .

2. Check to see what parts the repair shops are using . Chinese parts tend to be cheap ...they are also crap . Many garages use them .

3. Go on line , Google your car ...." repairs for ( your year ) Subaru . You might be enlightened , but try to discard the postings of habitual whiners and complainers want real info .

Hope this helps . PM me if you want to talk more about specifics .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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