Charlie b's layout
Thanks for the comments Ralph.
I do think the entire building needs some more weathering, and I think bringing out the mortar joints will be a step in the right direction.
This was my first attempt at printing a decal, and for this purpose I should have used the regular setting instead of the photo setting the instructions call for. . I had to paint under the decal white and I should have done that with gloss white and made it a heavy white, which would have made the decal more transparent. I can attempt to do that over. I have the material.
I need to paint the front too and weather it but I want to think on that for a while. I won't be doing much on it for the next week so I have lots of thinking time.
We are to have 60 degrees here tomorrow and I am hoping I can do some air brushing. I have 4 FP7's and 6 F3's ready to paint and I'd like to get that done and get them run able.

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