Ongoing car advice
I guess we are all a product of our car experiences . Including company demos as well as personal stuff , I've had about 50 cars & trucks over the years . Unfortunately my worst experiences were with Chrysler products ...trans , A/C or both Eek is the norm . I did luck out on my last one . Four years ago my wife offered to babysit her grandson who live on the other side of the city . I never tell my wife what to drive since we don't necessarily have the same needs in a car . I did see a 10 year old Neon traded in by a little old spinster who managed to put 25k miles on in 10 years . We kept it 3 years , doubled the mileage , and I sold it privately for what I had paid ....sold it before anything went wrong .
I'm sure there are happy Chrysler owners here on the Forum ...I just am not one of them . Ford and GM are what I buy and I've never had major problems ...motor , trans , AC etc . I do maintain cars regularly .

Robert , NOT to dump on you, Buddy , but you should have picked up on the oil leak a long time ago ...look the car over once in a while , lift the hood . You don't have to be a mechanic to spot stuff that doesn't look right ....oil drips , tire looking low on air , etc. etc . Some of these issues can be headed off before they become big . You can check stuff like the air filter , oil level , washer fluid level ...every few months . It pays to do so . Dirty air filters are easy to check and almost NEVER done by the average guy . They cost you in gas consumption . In other words $$. If you have any teenagers in the family , teach them to do it .....serious !! Wink

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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