They Shall Not Grow Old...
teejay Wrote:I didn't realize , until recently , that the symblic "poppy " was NOT an American symbol ......we wear them each and every year in the days leading up to Remembrance Day in Canada ....I think it stems form the poem " In Flanders Fields " from WW1 ......" In Flanders Fields the poppys grow , between the crosses row on row " etc .


You are correct , When I was in grade school, 1946 or so we were taught that .

I also notice this thread was started on the exact schedule of armistice day -- 11-11- 11 11th month , 11th day ,. 11th hour almost --missed it by 8 minutes --- need to type faster!
Instant glue ? ---- SOLDER ---- NOW THATS INSTANT!

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