The value of this hobby...
...or any other hobby.

I think I have been at this hobby as long as I can remember. I am guessing since I was about 5-6. And over the years there have been times where I had tons of enthusiasm, and other periods when the models just sat. But it seems no matter what was going on in my life, I would always turn to this hobby to relax and deal with life. It wouldn't matter if it was family stress, school stress, money stress, girlfriend issues, stuck in bad weather - whatever. No matter how worn out I felt with life, I was always able to pick up a hobby knife or a jar of paint or a bag of plaster and create something. And sometimes I could improve my mood just daydreaming about what I would build next and how to build it. I turn to other creative hobbies at times, and they all have the same effect, but for some reason I get the most comfort from this hobby. Perhaps because it takes me back furthest to childhood.

As I get older and meet more people, it seems those that did not have some kind of creative hobby to fall back on chose other more dangerous paths to relieve their anxieties. Alcohol, drugs, reckless behavior. For sure there are other factors at play here, exceptions to the rule, chickens vs eggs, and other philosophical cliches, but I just see so many people my age that did not have a similar peaceful hobby wound up dealing with life in less constructive ways. And somehow I wonder how my life would have been different had I not had the means to participate in this or other hobbies. My dad was never into model trains, but he certainly helped show my brothers and I how to build things. And my parents always encouraged creative hobbies and hands-on skills.

Anyone else have a similar experience?
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