59th and Rust
So after a bit of head scratching,it was of to my local craft shop (don't under estimate these places) mainly to refresh my stock of card/paper,while strolling around looking for some inspiration,i can across the bargain corner and there laying on one of the shelves was a box of craft scissors 5 for £3.00,just the job.
After a bit of trial and error the best method i found was to draw a straight line across the paper/card ( they didn't like cutting card above .5mm thick) and cut along these with the scissors.


Now it was just a matter of sticking these strips a long the building fasades with PVA,once i was happy with the finished results the fasades and any other stone corner pieces were painted with craft paint.I've taken a couple of photo's of the finished building so you can see the effect.



All the building are done the same way with different style fasades except the large concrete warehouse this was just painted a off white colour.



Next job is to add the brick work.


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