59th and Rust
The cobbled areas are made of a mixture of plastic and fillers,first thing i did was cut some Wills cobble plastic sheet in to random shapes they where then glue down with contact adhesive (making sure the cobbles all face the same way),then i added my mix of filler,PVA and grey emulsion paint (what you use on the walls in your house),this was spread around the peices of cobble.

Once it had set i carved around the edges to make them look like areas where the asphalt have wore away,this was then given a coat of mid grey paint.

This was followed by a coat of dark brown,when this was nearly dry the tops were wiped with a cloth leaveing the brown between the cobbles.

When all this was dry they had a wash of brown and black,when this was dry i did a bit of dry brushing here and there to finish it off.

All the cobbled areas where given a coat of PVA,this was then wiped of and a grass mixture was sprinkled over them and left to dry,all that was left to do was to hoover those areas with my mini-vac.

ALLthat was left was to make it look rundown with rubbish etc.

Rust St was done the same way,but i used full sheets of cobbleing with asphalt ramp either side of the tracks.

Hope this is of some use to you??


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