Ez's 2013 duff challenge
Probably the worse example of that is when we hired someone to paint our house. We picked the color from a set of color chips that he had and he went off to the paint store to have it mixed. He did a great job, covered the windows in plastic, put tarps over the plants and trees and finished the whole job before we got home from work.

"Gee", I said, "that doesn't seem to match the chip we picked". Nope Somehow a lime green house just stood out, even in the dark. :o Well, turns out that the paint store forgot to add the brown tint to the mix, and he didn't pick it up, so the poor guy had to start over the next day. 35

There's a moral to this story somewhere, it just escapes me right now, but I'll bet this guy, with all his good intentions, will always check the paint color before putting it on a house again. He had to replace more than just a comma that day. Big Grin
Don (ezdays) Day
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