Anyone using Windows 8 ?
Some of your suggestions will be helpful , thanks . It's like this thing was designed by a bunch of nerds who wanted to show off cool ideas with all the glitzy apps on the main screen ....except most are useless . The only comparison I could make is that if these guys were designing a new super-duper light switch for the bathroom , bright colors , space age design ....but put it in the trunk of the car or something . Eek

I don't know if you use the lap top mouse ...I'm thinking of adding a conventional mouse . The current one is waayyy too sensitive and I click on to stuff I don't want all the time . I don't see any settings adjustments for this . For that matter there is no instruction book can get the book on line , all 1600+ pages to scroll through .

I use Horde email ( whatever that is ) ...think I'll change it too , as it is difficult to navigate to and from attachments .

I'll keep plugging away .

To err is human, to blame it on somebody else shows management potential.

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