used water set decals for first time
i have a small switch yard operation.

my layout is L shape 16 inches wide, 96 inches on the long side of the L, the short is 16 inches by 80 inches.

not many curves so to speak. They are 22 inches radius, to 23 radius, not very big.
Most of my fleet is 6 axle units, 1 8 axle unit, makes for a lousy switcher.
I do have a large fleet of Gp 7 or Gp 9, and SW 9s and 1200s
i have fun. I consider myself a fleet leaser. This way I can model exactly what I like.
I have one industry that is serviced a small co-op with one silo. ( it is the life like co-op model)
I also have one rail car repair service center. Just a small unknown building i cut a hole in the wall to fit a rail car inside.
The Leasing Company owns and maintains one 3 stall roundhouse.for repairs and shelter from the weather ( atlas roundhouse)
it is not a very exciting layout but i am learning much from this layout then i did from the huge layouts I built when i was married and had a lot of room and so on, but was always too busy repairing and redoing stuff to enjoy it.
this is a lot more fun and interest to me.
I am glad you guys said something positive about the loco, i have think skin, i can take the negative asnwers but for those younger modellers out there, to hear positive responses helps them become better modellers and maybe we will not be the last of the model railroaders. I do not know many with the interst under 30 these days. i am 39 all my model trains friends are over 45.
thanks for enjoying my efforts
Canadian Locomotive Leasers

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