The Burbank Branch
The Burbank Branch is ALIVE!

Hello all,
It has been a long while since I have posted here, for several reasons. I decided to go back to school and finally get a degree, a goal that will be accomplished May 19th. All that schooling sure cuts into the railroad time and as a non-traditional student (read older), it took all my concentration. I was also frustrated by the buckling of my benchwork and subsequent complete rebuild of the track work. My motivation was weak. (See this post: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=23&t=3803&hilit=benchwork+buckle</a><!-- l -->) Well I finally got some time and inspiration over this spring break and the track work is back in place and functioning. This time I used Central Valley Turnout tie strips and hand built turnouts. To my surprise they seem to be working well.

I was so excited to be running trains again, I thought I would put a short video together to show where the layout stands at this point. It starts with an overview and ends with a run-by. Enjoy!

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Hope to be posting more after May.

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