Yet another milestone
Well, here we are at yet another milestone. We've just logged in our 1500th member.
Waveof7 Waveof7 Waveof7
2285_ 2285_ 2285_ 2285_ 2285_ 2285_
A few of these are spammers, and we don't welcome them. To be sure, frequently we are able to get rid of spammers before they even complete their registration, so those guys don't even show up in the statistics. It is rare nowadays to see them even try, I guess the word is out that they don't get far here. Thumbsup Still, we are averaging about one new member a day, and are pleased with everyone that has registered here, even those that haven't posted yet and are just lurking. We hope to hear from them all eventually; they are all welcome to participate, share their stories with us and help us as well. Big Grin

Ten months ago we we celebrating our 100,000th post. Now we are at over 116,000 . That's not a milestone yet but it is a lot of new photos, talking, sharing and learning. Again, we are averaging about 72 posts a day since we opened. Mikey and I both are proud of what you all made of Big Blue over the years, and we thank you all for that. Cheers
Don (ezdays) Day
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