An Eastern Car Works Passenger Car
Here are the pics...

First, the kit...
[Image: IMG_1746.jpg]
Don't let the injection process fool you, the castings are not distorted. They are flash free.

[Image: IMG_1751.jpg]
The model vs. the official Pullman drawing.

[Image: IMG_1755_2.jpg]
The sides are slightly too long (slightly) and lack the full width diaphragms (or any!).

[Image: IMG_1753.jpg]
The windows aren't right. Neither are the skirts...although the skirts might have been altered for negotiating model railroad curves and are acceptable to me.

[Image: IMG_1754.jpg]
The vestibules are close but no cigar...especially with respect to the doors.

[Image: IMG_1755_2.jpg]
The model trucks vs. the real thing. I knew before I ordered that this detail would be wrong.

The cars are actually fairly nice. The trucks, which are less than stellar on their own, seem like solid trucks for a skirted car. The killer for me is the windows being 4.5" too high. While it isn't too much of a problem without paint, it would look terrible once the car is painted up in the 1938 4-stripe two tone gray scheme...the stripes won't line up with any correct or non-ECW cars! Nope Nor will it line up with my J-3a's tender. Wallbang

I have three options:
-drop it on ebay
-paint/letter it for something else (why didn't I get a 6-6-4 instead...they were more common!)
-build some new sides and trucks from scratch

Regardless, I like the kit. The car looks is a well built kit...and they're cheap. They'd be great behind a non-streamlined Hudson, Mohawk, or Niagara. If I acquire a K-4 at some point, I'll pick up some of the P-70s for behind it.

I don't know If I'll build this kit or not. I'll check out the Pullman order book the next time I visit my dad's place and decide which road she'll be lettered for. In the mean time, I have the correct decals on their way to my I'm going to have to start scratch building a couple cars. I believe that the other ECW cars have the same "window" problem.
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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