Lest We Forget
It should be hard to forget, but there are those that only know about most of these conflicts by reading about them in textbooks. WWII lasted over four years, but how many pages are there about it in those books? I remember that war and the sacrifices that many made just so we have our freedom. I was fortunate being in the service during the Korean "conflict", but never having left US soil, others weren't so lucky. Many of these wars are fought in other countries so the affects on our lives aren't as profound, but to those that fought and their loved ones as well, we cannot thank them enough.

And yes Larry, it's a pity the way politicians find enough money to raise their pay, take junkets all over the world, give billions in foreign aid to countries that despise us and build bridges to nowhere, but then not find enough to take care of those that need it the most after doing their bidding.
Don (ezdays) Day
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