Scenario cards: a second try
Naturally, the point of a hobby is to suit yourself, and I agree with all the guys who say your layout is extremely well done and fascinating to look at in photos. I'm not sure, though, if you aren't making a lot of extra work for yourself in this approach. In earlier versions of computer switchlists, I found that you did in fact have to work all the way through the whole list of trains you'd set up, which got old. However, by far the best computer switchlist, JMRI, is now free for the download.

The way I've approached the problem you're seeing -- what if I don't want to run the whole bleepin' routine, but want to have a few minutes' (or whatever) fun is to set up different trains and work assignments on JMRI. This parallels the prototype, for which either the same job will have different tasks on different days (e.g., serves industries to the west of Smithtown on MWF, to the east on TTS), or different jobs are called for particular assignments (e.g., serves Massive Dynamic as needed on weekends).

This will pretty quickly save you a lot of time and paperwork.

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