ERIE L-1 0-8-8-0 Angus type camelback
Last weekend I visited a Fremo US-meeting in Unna Germany and first time my Erie L-1 did run on a bigger modular layout pulling all cars of my 1900 freight train. I made a short video that I would like to present you.
Click here for looking.

I digitalzed the model (without sound) and I made a few small improvements, 8 wheel power feeders at tender including full equalizing of tender trucks, new led lightning, new and finer coupler lift bars including small chains, couplers at tender and front for switching - and now after the test run I know that I must do a bit more yet.
Alone the 8 power feeders at tender are not enough for a trouble-free run! I must add feeders also at drivers. And I would like to add complete brake gears to both engine frames because they do not exist - and that at a model that was not the cheapest. But this can be a good way combine it with additional power feeders, I hope. And after this all will be do than I should reflect to add a sound decoder in place of one without sound.
All together many, many work and a job for next year or later yet. But I check the possibility to build the brake gears in 3D technology with use of metal. That could give a very fast and exact modelled success and a positive result seems to be possible.
Cheers, Bernd

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