Desktop 3D printers
I'd suggest real wood unless you go to the effort of designing accurate shiplap flooring. The cost of printing the deck of your flatcar would be comparable or even greater than the rest of the car (trucks, frame, and details). To add wood grain, use the same techniques you'd use with plastic or real wood. The technique for making plastics look just as good as wood is to use either washers, dry brushing, or a distressing based technique (the fiberglass scratch eraser technique).

Yes, 3D print the roof and then use it as a master for resin casting! My Oahu Railway cars will still mostly be resin castings, but with 3D printed masters instead of being fabricated from styrene. My detail parts and trucks will be 3D printed.
My primary goal is a large Oahu Railway layout in On3
My secondary interests are modeling the Denver, South Park, & Pacific in On3 and NKP in HO
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