E-paw's Orphan challenge part 1.
Yes EZ, My wife is glad it's not in my basement or attic also. I'm sure that the township may have something to say about that also Nope Nope Nope . I just wonder what kind of permits you need to move a locomotive down residential streets and have it installed into your home. It would make for some interesting photo opportunities. I did try to think out of the box on this one, the rest of my orphan challenge ideas are more in line with regular modeling.
My deadline is also only 8 hours. There is a ARHS crew there today but I am unable to make it, our next work session will be on the 22nd/23rd weekend, the day has not been set yet. it is on that week end that I will be doing all the work for this project.

The job includes,,, Rewiring the pre-lube pump with a new cord and twist lock plug; removing and reinstalling new twist lock receptacles in both A units ( this could be the hardest part as the units were built in the late 40's early 50's and the electrical boxes may need to be replaced ) ; determining the proper polarity of the pump so that it turns in the proper direction on both units; fabricating a new electrical box cover for the pump, it has none; and installing a safety switch on to the pump so that it is not plugged in under load.
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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