My "Southern Rwy & Graham County RR" layout
Gerd I took my laptop with me to show him and he said that's not woodchips and that's not a woodchip car, to which I said really? Icon_lol Looks like woodchips and a woodchip car to me. He said it's sawdust from the sawmill in Robbinsville. They would have to shovel it up by hand into wheelbarrows roll it outside and dump it onto a portable conveyor to get it into the car. They would ship out about 6-12 cars per year ( a real money maker there Eek ) . The car he said is a regular hopper ( probably with with extensions) and only hauls about 2/3th's of what a regular woodchip car holds. To me it looks close enough to woodchips and a woodchip car to work for me. Thumbsup I have always liked the looks of woodchip loads but being as I live here and a lot of the people that see my layout live here as well and would be quick to point out the error of my ways if woodchip loads started showing up on my rails that I don't have any. But thanks to this new piece of information when the GCRR comes to town it can now include a load of sawdust in a regular hopper from time to time. And in N scale the difference between sawdust and woodchips is probably not noticable to the naked eye anyway. At least that's MY story and I'm sticking to it. Thanks for adding a new source of revenue to the Nantahala Midland's bottom line. Cheers

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