The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VI.. Stop In!!!
ezdays Wrote:Good morning everyone, nice day in store for here, but a little hot. I was planning on going out target shooting this week, but the other guy backed out. Maybe that's not so bad given that we're looking at some record temps later this week. Friday and Saturday's forecast is for 117°, a bit toasty even for here. Well, not as bad as in 1990 when the high for today was 120, and tomorrow's high was 122. These are the days that you do any outside work before the sun comes up and if you go anywhere, you try not to do it after around noon. We were shopping at Walmart this morning around 6:30. By 7 or 8, it will be hard to find a parking spot there. Eek
My talkative friend Bill is in a gun club and we go shooting most Wed. or Thur. unless its too cold or one of us has a obligation, we went today. Its a real nice range, we have a rifle range, a bowling pin range, a pistol range and two skeet ranges, all have patio type roofs for shade from the sun and tables for your stuff. Its on the way out to the desert in a canyon type area. You can only shoot at a range here, how is it in Arizona?
Tomorrow I'm doing one of my most unfavorite tasks that I have to do at the beginning of summer. Up on my roof , clean the tank on my cooler, replace the pads, some years I can skip that but most of the time they need to be replaced, fill the tank with water and hope it doesn't leak. I'm old enough to not like going up on the roof at all. If it leaks then I siphon and bail out the water, dry the tank and paint it with special cooler tar like stuff and then start again. Summers heat is here.
Thur. 95 Fri. 96 Sat, Sun, and Mon 101

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