Mixed feelings about my LHS
Back in my days (somewhere between the cro-magnon and stone ages) Icon_lol , there were signs everywhere saying that, "the customer is always right", add to that, "even if they aren't". Worship To catch a clerk ignoring or being rude to a customer would call for dismissal. It is bad enough to find a clerk on the phone, but it's appalling if it's a manager or owner. Some act like they have their market cornered... they don't. Not in this age of being able to shop on the Internet for just about anything at any time and usually at a better price.

Sometime though, they can go too far in the other direction. One day we went into a grocery store, and was headed to pick up a cart when a clerk walked up behind us and blurted out, "are you finding everything you're looking for?", and this was before we even got into the store.... Sheesh, "well no, not really, we had our hearts set on a cart with a blue handle but we could only find ones with red handles", would have been an appropriate answer... 357

You wonder sometimes if they even train these people. No phones while on duty, and don't be too overbearing because in both cases you can have customers walk away.
Don (ezdays) Day
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