Audible spam
Our problem is that we don't have caller ID, and so we have no idea who's calling. It could be a friend or family, or even the doctor's office, so we answer every call. If there's a long pause before anyone speaks, we most likely will hang up, but even some of our doctors use a robot to confirm appointments.

We were even blessed with one of those "grand parent" scams a while back. "Grandpa, this is your favorite grandson, I'm in (pick some foreign country) and I need your help..." You are then asked to wire money to bail this kid out, or to pay medical bills or fines of some sort. Typically, they expect you to answer, "is that your Johnny?", and now they have a name they can use. I kept pressing this kid for a name, and finally he blurted out "Michael", which was a very poor guess on his part. :o

We just gotta get caller ID. Cheers
Don (ezdays) Day
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