P1K C-Liner as industrial switcher
The covered wagons were in effect outlawed by the FRA when the switching step requirement was put in place in the late 70's for locomotives used in switching service, so if you model before Sept 30, 1979 you are OK.(If you really care).
((3) Locomotives without corner stairway openings may not be used to perform any switching service after September 30, 1979 except passenger car switching service at passenger stations.) cfr-2011-title 49, vol 4 section 231.30
read more here
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2011-title49-vol4/xml/CFR-2011-title49-vol4-sec231-30.xml">http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2011-t ... 231-30.xml</a><!-- m -->

As far as hindering vision, you have a brakeman and a conductor and also a radio, and before radios there were flagmen to relayu signals. If you think the engineer really can see what he is doing in reverse you never spent much time in a locomotive.


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