Attention everyone
Sheesh, I wonder what he'd say if he saw some of those other threads we had back then? That one went on for some 11 pages, and we all participated. Like Mikey says, stuff like this is the reason we left in the first place. We'd never ban anyone from having a good time, even sometimes at our expense. Confusedhock: After we left, the chain of command there took an awful turn. We had "the Shark" who banned anyone he felt was a threat, then there was peace for a while when Chris was running things, but Zathro was honing his skills and he now plays a much bigger role in how the forums are run, and it's like having the Shark back. 35 A real pity that these guys have no sense of humor nor any tolerance for anyone that has. Nope

We are pleased to be able to give Big Blue up to you for whatever comes to mind, and so far, no one has taken advantage of that trust. Big Grin It's a pity that those guys over there have such a hair trigger, but then they are guided by their current owner, and there's lots of policies in place to follow. We have one policy here, "Hey, it's a hobby folks, have fun, enjoy it and the people you meet along the way".....

Oh yeah, we found the light switch, and thanks to your generous donations, we can afford to turn it back on for now. Thumbsup Thumbsup
Don (ezdays) Day
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