E-paw's Orphan challenge part 2
I did a bunch of work in Easton over the last week...

I soldered a set of leads to the switch-machines, making sure that I soldered all the same color wires to the same pins, and marked the leads as #1 and #2.. This way I can do the rest of the connections from the edge of the layout, spending less time under the layout is always good.

They were mounted in place under the turnouts that they will control. I already had the holes drilled in the bench work from when the track team came through town, so that speed things along. I did have to use a new spring wire to reach the points of the switch, the stock one was too short.    

The Tortoise switch-machines have two sets of dry contacts that I put to good use. The first set was used to power the frogs and the other was used to to power a set of indicator lights that I added the control panel in Easton.


I used the same power supply to power my led indicator lights as I did earlier, The motor drive on the Tortoise's gets there power from the same supply as the coils on the relays.    
 My other car is a locomotive, ARHS restoration crew  

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