Good News...And Bad News
Out of nowhere the other day, my wife announced that we could clear out the spare bedroom - that would be the one without the snakes and other critters - and give me room to put up my layout. This immediately gave rise to mixed emotions, as when someone you hate backs your new car over a cliff. The reason for this emotional dichotomy is simple - the room is a utilization nightmare.

It contains four doors, an entry door, a pocket door to a bathroom, a set of double-wide closet sliding doors and a set of patio doors. The only long wall not pierced by other openings is home to a 45" window, and the entry door opens into an alcove formed by boxing off the space needed to form the walk-in closet. It would be a hard room to set up as a bedroom, but trying to envision it as a 'layout room" is taxing my mind to the utmost, despite the dimensions being a healthy 14.5' x 12'.

Nevertheless, what I see is as good as it will ever get, so...I will try and draw up a crude plan to post here in the hopes that some hardy soul with a lot of creativity can offer some badly needed advice,m like moving to another house. :?

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