FORD Auto Module
Hi Trucklover.
I saw your articles about the FORD automotive plant while I was searching for someone selling the Walthers Assembly Plant (933-3079) kit. I need to purchase 2 kits because I want to kit-bash the front, office portions into one stand-alone brick-built HQ main office building for my sawmill/pulpwood mill complex I am slowly building. I can find no other kit that suits my purposes or my image of what a modern (contemporary) corporate office building would like look. I live in England and I don't think the FORD series of kits ever found their way to the UK. So I have to keep looking on ebay and the like. I've bid twice now, but never succesful.! I was wondering if you still had a spare office section of the Assembly Plant kit that you would like to sell on? Or if I was able to buy a complete kit, are you still looking for the factory elements to expand your factory layout, tha t I couldgive to you?
Let me know.
Best regards,
Andrew from England.

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