Good luck with the new/old board
Mikey and I both appreciate your wanting to help, and we won't turn any help away that is offered. But I hope you all understand that it's not good policy to open our books in public or even to tell what our monthly costs are. I don't think there's a forum on the Internet that is that open, and with good reason. Some people get by with low costs, or even none, using free software and free hosting. We chose to pay for our hosting space mainly because of our bandwidth needs and storage space, plus a major requirement for us was the ability to upload pictures from the get-go. Our deal is flexible, we can increase our capability upon request and our monthly fees go up, and we do pay something to have someone standing by to help, and believe me, he isn't getting anything near what he should be. Good thing he's Mikey's friend, and now mine too. We're not paying much for software right now so that's not a issue, but we do plan on adding some later that would cost us, but even then, we're not that high up on the expense level just yet, and Mikey and I have taken care of the initial set-up costs, so let's just leave it at that for now.

I guess generally speaking, what we're both saying is that if you want to donate, and can afford to send in a few dollars every once in a while, with enough people doing that, it will add up quickly. Regardless, we are committed to keeping this forum the way it is and to keep it ad free. The one concession we made was to put in the "donate" button, but not as a requirement to participate here, make no mistake about that. If you want, and can afford to donate even a small amount, we thank you. If you can't, don't worry about it, just come here and have fun and learn. that in itself is our reward. Worship Worship
Don (ezdays) Day
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