Building a Module; CAT Equipment Rental Building
A few construction details that stand out in my mind from my drive to work are the ubiquitous flag person (usually women, lately) with the two-sided sign on a pole and those heavy metal 'walls' for trenching work. You know, the big steel plates with the rods in between that get dropped into a trench to prevent the sides caving in and burying the pipe fitters alive.

A cool animation would be those two sided flagman signs that flip around together. That is, on one side it's a stop sign, on the other it says 'slow'. When one person's sign says stop the other says slow, then they flip to allow the other lane of traffic to pass by. Some sort of cam and loop pulley system would work to periodically change them. Visitors may not notice unless they happen to catch it, but then they'd watch to see it happen again!

Nice work all around. You're really capturing the feeling of a construction zone. Alot to hold a viewer's interest.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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