What color would you paint it?
Hey guys, I just finished my refinery and I also got this other structure to compliment it. On the box it's labeled as Green Max. Everything else is written in characters. Not knowing much about refineries, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what colors I should use to paint this structure. I did a lot of searching on the net but couldn't seem to find anything that looked like this structure. I was thinking of going with a silver type metallic color for the walls and an aluminum type for the roof.... that just seems like an awful lot of silver to me. My refinery has a lot of silver, yellow and white so perhaps it would match. Any advice?
Existing refinery...
[Image: Refinery024lowres.jpg]
Front of kit box...
[Image: Sept027.jpg]
Back of kit box...
[Image: Sept028.jpg]
Wall parts...
[Image: Sept029.jpg]
Roof parts...
[Image: Sept030.jpg]

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