Operating question
Lester Perry Wrote:I am coming in to this a little late, but the way I do it is. Leave it where it is. Pick it up next session or maybe several sessions later depending on how the orders come around. I have 13 businesses including 1 large coal mine and 3 small mines and exchange track. Spot the car there and leave it until it is called out.

At a recent meeting of our modular club two of the members gave a report on "operations." One member presented how a boxcar going to the Kodak plant in Rochester, NY to be loaded with cameras destined for Los Angeles in 1950. The other member reported on how he operates his own model railroad which is a model of the Santa Fe in Orange County, Ca in the 1970's or 1980's, Cabooses are still required on his railroad, so it predates the elimination of Cabooses, but barely. One point he made is that from operating session to operating session, he only moves a piece of rolling stock if it needs repairs of some sort and then places it back where it was. He tries to make his model railroad function like a real railroad and the only reason to move a car is if it has a load to deliver, has had the load delivered and needs to be picked up, or an industry needs an empty to load. Nothing is ever moved on his layout for the sake of "running trains."

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