How to Electrify a railroad
To be honest, the stuff I've got is incomplete and ugly. No way around it.

that said, I've finally got the parts i need to build some realistic catenary. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to build a jig, but once that is out of the way, I'm going to attempt to put up a nicer system. I have several feet (in three foot lengths) of H-column of various prototypical sizes.

Hopefully, i'll be able to just take my time. I rushed myself with that contest, so now i think i should try building something better to complete my layout.

Here is a brain dumping of my generic knowledge of how a PRR catenary pole set goes together. I thought about making diagrams of the basic kinds, but in reality, there are SO many different styles of catenary. Some areas used H-column, some use circular metal poles, other lattice structures, and out west there was even some wooden PRR catenary poles. They all have different kinds of arms and things attached to them, and different hangar versions.

For simplicity, for now i have posted a diagram i have made of a generic catenary pole with cross wire, and a K-braced one. The poles, no matter how they vary, rougly follow the same patterns.

Feel free to ask questions if i missed something.

[Image: catenarypoleswirecrosss.png]

[Image: catenarypoleskbrace.png]
Modeling New Jersey Under the Wire 1978-1979.  
[Image: logosmall.png]

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