Buckeye Freight & Terminal
My Free lanced railroad story has been in development for a while and it also has some other fictional roads and other railroading entities that it will interact with. Unfortunately the BFT only has a botched up paint job on a gondola so far

The BFT Buckeye Freight & Terminal is more of a coal hauler based in South and Southeast Ohio and Eastern Kentucky. Along with the BFT are KCCC Kentucky coal & container Corp mostly unit trains of coal and old battered flats with containers for loads. An occasional Michigan Saginaw Union leasing car and rare loco will make an appearance on the BFT tracks. And then NERDS equipment makes a regular rounds of the line. Nerds(North Eastern Rail Department of Standards)

I have even thought of a few places names(fictional) HoggWeed, ORV jt. (Ohio river valley junction), possum holler, deerfoot crossing, coon creek. Green Frog Bog (a bar)

I need to come up with a back story and history of the rail road, so far all I have is a few names and vague idea of the type of scenery/setting I have in mind for the next layout as the current layout I am building is strictly a toy oriented layout featuring lionel and flyer hirail trains.AF350

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