What's your fantasy...??
No...not that kind.... :oops:
I got this idea while reading Gary S.'s new enterprise - building a layout from the ground up...

So...what's your idea of the "ultimate" train room..?? Here's mine...

It'd be about 25'/30' x 50'/60' , running the full length at the back of the house. It'd have a small partition to house the shop (fully equipped, of course, with an extractor as well), a john, a kitchenette (gotta keep the Cokes cool...), and a utility type sink. A "feet friendly" floor, rounded corners, the walls painted a skyish color, and a nice sound system - NO TV..!! And LOTTSA trains..!!! 2285_

Uuuffff...Paradise.... Goldth
Gus (LC&P).

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